About Moonmoth


We want our clients to be the best version of themselves

“When I founded the company in 1999 it was relatively early days of the commercial internet. Many companies were having their first enhanced websites made, and many developers and companies were not navigating the process very well.

Setting out on my own, with my first client signed, my intention was always to offer better planning and strategy rather than just building websites or online applications. We quickly started building more complex applications because we realised that clients had problems that we could solve through introducing new technologies.

In a consultative process, in partnership with our clients, we innovated and solved business needs that went beyond programming and layouts.

Through the process of helping clients plan out their projects I started mapping more than just the project. It became a broader map of other services and how they tied into the project and the project to the business. With the advent of social media added to analytics, pay-per-click, map listings, etc. there was more to keep track of and more to include in the broader project thinking.

In addition, I also started mapping offline and physical parts of the business that either affected, or was affected by, the core project we were working on.

This led to the development and evolution of our signature process Integral BrandDNA, underpinned by our creative and technical services.

I have built a strong team of dedicated creatives, wordsmiths and technical wizards. People who work tirelessly to support our clients. We aim to continue innovating and maturing our processes and services to improve how our clients show up in the world.”